Discover a creative technology studio at the bottom of the world

These creative Kiwi’s have identified the perfect way for agencies of every shape and size to take control of delivering web projects.

They have done their research and know that agencies everywhere - all over the world deliver sites in one or all of these 4 ways:


Poor control of the process • battling vendors priorities • waste time managing scope creep and rework • risk cost blow-outs • difficult and expensive to manage the site requirements long term • inefficient • risk losing client contact through the digital journey • challenging post-project management.


Not core business • expensive to hire, motivate and maintain a digital team • challenging to predict tech trends • inefficient • present a risk of technology redundancy.


Risk of fragmentation due to technology spread • system limitations built in • inefficient building in legacy tech platforms • lacks centralised project management function • challenges hiring front end developers to work with decaying-tech, multi-tech or tech that's not fit for purpose.


Projects developed using quick and dirty freelance talent sites like Fiverr, Guru, TopTal or Uplers leave your Agency with a hangover, administering multiple sites by multiple vendors across multiple technologies that don’t flex or grow with client requirements.

So what’s the problem with this?

Nothing . . . unless you yearn for efficiency, creativity, control and more margin.

What these Kiwi’s have done is clever. They’ve created a platform that gives your agency total freedom to create.

{% set collection = cms.collection('resellertext') %}

{% extends 'templates/default' %}

{% block body %}
<div class="xl:h-[280vh] lg:h-[280vh] md:h-[300vh]  small:h-[300vh] xs:h-[250vh] h-[350vh] relative  bg-cover bg-center" style="background-image: url(;">
    <!--Devoli Logo-->
    <a href="/">
        <div class="absolute top-0 w-full flex justify-center z-40 ">
            <img class="mds:h-20v h-[15vh] object-contain" src="" alt="">
       <!--  <div class="absolute GB:top-14 mds:top-12 top-2 left-0  z-40 ">
           <div id="logo" class="h-10 transform  4xl:translate-x-[40%] 2xl:translate-x-[10%] xl:translate-x-[-20%] IPro1:translate-x-[-40%] IPro:translate-x-[-30%] lg:translate-x-[-30%] md:translate-x-[-45%] translate-x-[-65%]"></div>
        <div class="absolute GB:top-14 mds:top-12 top-2 z-40 right-0">
            <div id="logo2" class="h-10 transform 4xl:translate-x-[-40%] 2xl:translate-x-[-10%] xl:translate-x-[20%] IPro1:translate-x-[40%] IPro:translate-x-[30%] lg:translate-x-[30%] md:translate-x-[45%] translate-x-[65%]"></div>
        </div> -->

    <div class="absolute top-36 w-full flex justify-center z-1 ">
        <img  class="h-60v object-contain md:block hidden" src="" alt="">

    <div class="absolute mds:top-36 top-20 w-full flex justify-center z-1 ">
        <img  class="h-60v object-contain md:hidden block" src="" alt="">

    <div class="absolute md:top-0 mds:top-[10%] top-[6%] w-full flex justify-center z-2 ">
        <img  class=" object-contain md:h-10v h-16 long:h-14 transform-gpu GB:translate-y-[580%] 2xl:translate-y-[635%] xl:translate-y-[600%] lg:translate-y-[640%] long:translate-y-[640%] md:translate-y-[650%] translate-y-[600%]" src="" alt="">


Insane levels of creativity.

Campaign lead generators.

{% set collection = cms.collection('home') %}

{% extends 'templates/default' %}

{% block body %}
<div class="h-[85vh] relative">
        <div class="w-full h-full grid grid-cols-12">
            <div class="lg:col-span-5 col-span-12 w-full lg:h-full h-[40vh] flex justify-center  items-center">
                    <div class="flex lg:flex-col flex-row lggap-40 gap-5 lg:space-x-0 space-x-5 home-text-1">
                    <div class=" font-phenomena-thin text-5xl">
                            <span class="font-phenomena-reg ">h</span>ygiene
                            <span class="font-phenomena-reg ">e</span>fficiency
                            <span class="font-phenomena-reg ">p</span>erformance
                            <span class="font-phenomena-reg ">a</span>esthetics
            <div class="lg:col-span-7 col-span-12">
                <div class="w-full lg:h-full h-[45vh] relative">
                    <div class=" absolute flex justify-center w-full h-full items-center z-30">
                        <img class="lg:h-[55vh] h-[30vh] object-contain d-center" src="" alt="">
                    <div class=" absolute md:left-[17%] left-[5%] flex  h-full items-center z-10">
                        <img class="lg:h-[35vh] h-[25vh] object-contain d-left" src="" alt="">
                    <div class=" absolute md:right-[17%] flex right-[5%] h-full items-center z-10">
                        <img class="lg:h-[35vh] h-[25vh] object-contain d-right" src="" alt="">
{% endblock %}

{% set collection = cms.collection('home') %}

{% extends 'templates/default' %}

{% block body %}
<div class="h-[85vh] relative">
        <div class="w-full h-full grid grid-cols-12">
            <div class="lg:col-span-5 col-span-12 w-full lg:h-full h-[40vh] flex justify-center  items-center">
                    <div class="flex lg:flex-col flex-row lggap-40 gap-5 lg:space-x-0 space-x-5 home-text-1">
                    <div class=" font-phenomena-thin text-5xl">
                            <span class="font-phenomena-reg ">h</span>ygiene
                            <span class="font-phenomena-reg ">e</span>fficiency
                            <span class="font-phenomena-reg ">p</span>erformance
                            <span class="font-phenomena-reg ">a</span>esthetics
            <div class="lg:col-span-7 col-span-12">
                <div class="w-full lg:h-full h-[45vh] relative">
                    <div class=" absolute flex justify-center w-full h-full items-center z-30">
                        <img class="lg:h-[55vh] h-[30vh] object-contain d-center" src="" alt="">
                    <div class=" absolute md:left-[17%] left-[5%] flex  h-full items-center z-10">
                        <img class="lg:h-[35vh] h-[25vh] object-contain d-left" src="" alt="">
                    <div class=" absolute md:right-[17%] flex right-[5%] h-full items-center z-10">
                        <img class="lg:h-[35vh] h-[25vh] object-contain d-right" src="" alt="">
{% endblock %}


Powerful editing with Canopy the intuitive content management tool.

High performing data driven sites.

{% extends 'templates/base' %}

{% block content %}

<div class="row home-banner" style="background-image: url(">
  <div class="col-12">
    <div class="slogan">
      {{ include('assets/better-home.html') }}

    <div class="dream-home">
      {{ include('assets/dream-home.html') }}
      {{ cms_text('banner-text') }}

      <a href="/showhomes" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg">Virtual Showhome Tours</a>

    <div class="pop-up d-none d-xl-block">
      {{ include('assets/icon-order-plan-book.html') }}
      <a href="#footer-plans" class="btn btn-outline-primary">Free Plan Book</a>

<div class="container">
  <div class="row home-block home-block-package pt-5 pb-xl-5 pb-4 px-xl-3">
    <div class="col-12 d-lg-none">
      <img src="{{ asset('/images/home-block.jpg')}}" alt="Searching for a house and land package?" width="100%">

    <div class="col-lg-6 pr-lg-0 text-lg-left text-center">
      <div class="bg-light p-xl-5 px-sm-3 px-2 py-lg-4 py-3">
        {{ cms_heading('house-land-heading') }}
        {{ cms_text('house-land-text') }}
        <div class="d-lg-block d-none text-center">
          <select onchange="location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
            <option value="/house-and-land/all">Any Location</option>
            {{ collection("regions", "collections/menu/HL-region-select") }}
        <a href="/house-and-land/all" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg d-lg-none">House & Land Packages</a>

Front end dev

Content manager

Client review

SEO specialist


Your branded Agency project dashboard


Build and manage sites from your terminal


Customisable starting point for any project


Easily create powerful data structures


Blutui’s awesome content editing tool

Blutui is super fast, super efficient, super flexible and super SEO compliant.
Blutui is the supremely reliable, fully managed and maintained cloud platform, architected using AWS industry best standard, meaning you never have to worry about hosting ever again.
Avoid future development, infrastructure and maintenance costs.
All features, upgrades and improvements are automatically federated amongst our agency family saving you and your client a


Optimise your Agency workflow and maximise digital margin.

Blutui integrates seamlessly into your production process simplifying the delivery of web projects.

In Console you create each new client project in seconds, invite talent in from anywhere to develop in Your Agency’s virtual studio.

With Canvas as your starting point each project is curated to your studios exact specification based on the studios creative brief and flat designs.

Talented front end devs use the code they grew up with and the tools they love in the Blutui app to create AMAZING.

Your Client Account Manager sends the client a link to a password protected staging site for review.

Your Client Account Manager invites the client in to Canopy to run their content managers and search engine optimisers through the powerful content management tool.

Here they can update agreed assets while the design aesthetic is locked down so clients can’t ‘break’ the site.

Publish every site on time and on budget with levels of creativity that set your Agency on a path to greatness.

Then onto the next project.

Constantly building amazing into your business.

Blutui is the future of creative Agency web development.

CEO’s and CFO’s talk agency pricing.


CTO’s and ECD’s book a technical demo.
